I've had a very busy... gosh closing in on a year since my last post...
I have still been painting but have also been preoccupied with school and work. I'll keep this short and hopefully will post a little bit more frequently...

This image is a recent watercolor that I completed. I started it last year and got caught up in a few other projects and finally was able to return to it. The image is of a shrine I visited in Japan. I was really struck by the shrine because it is an area for people who are orphans and don't have a family shrine to be interred. Family is really important culturally in Japan and often adoption is taboo, I was really moved by the placement of the shrine off to the side with the vegetation almost swallowing it up. While I don't know who the people are or if there is someone to remember them I hope I have honored them with my painting.
Thanks for looking at my site. I also will be updating my etsy site with new listings!